Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Busy Times...

Last weekend was filled with busy excitement at the Rehoboth Beach Theatre of the Arts. On Saturday morning, we took a short and scenic drive to the grand opening of the spectacular new club house at Independence (Ocean Atlantic’s Premier Active Adult Community, located on Route 5 approximately 15 minutes from the resort towns of Rehoboth Beach and Lewes).

Throngs of people were at the event which was expertly catered by our very own Ovations Restaurant.

Each person that we spoke to about the theatre received our information eagerly and several turned up at the theatre for Saturday’s and Sunday’s performances of Broadway Fever.

After returning to the theatre at around 2:00, we quickly switched gears to set up the impressive portico and patio area of the Celebration Mall for a Community Appreciation Fest sponsored by the HRC. Hundreds of people showed up at that fun filled event as well. The event was a great success featuring some spectacular food catered by a variety of fantastic restaurants and gourmet food shops including, Dish, Shag, Good For You Gourmet, Beautiful Foods and more.

Then at 8:00, as is the case every Thursday - Sunday through the end of August, the curtain rose on our smash hit Broadway Fever. We were fortunate enough to have had professional photographer Dan Cook who was covering Ovations and Broadway Fever for an article in the Cape Gazette.

Dan really has a fantastic eye and is a well known and respected photographer in Delmarva. We're looking forward, not only to the upcoming Cape Gazette article, but to working with Dan in the future on other RBTA events. Here are a couple of examples of Dan's work from that evening.

(Rick Fountas lifts Brittany Dunn during the number "Tea for Two" during Act I of "Broadway Fever")

(Server Shannon Lee delivers delicious Ovation's entrees to eager diners)

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