Monday, November 17, 2008

Phenomenal Week!

What an amazing week for entertainment it was at the Rehoboth Beach Theatre of the Arts!

On Tuesday, the 11th our stage featured the phenomenal production of “In The Mood” by the “String Of Pearls” orchestra under the direction of Bud Forrest complete with the “In The Mood” singers and dancers. Specially formulated as a tribute to our armed forces in celebration of Veteran’s Day, this retro 1940’s style musical production was simply spectacular! The practically sold out house went wild with applause throughout the show.

Not only was the orchestra astounding, the singing and dancing was simply top-notch! Particularly moving was the finale, where the cast, dressed in authentic period military costume, performed each song of every branch of the armed forces while requesting that both active and retired service personal stand and be recognized. Many in the audience were brought to tears during the moving tribute.

Then, on Saturday the 15th, the stage was set for Eve Ensler’s provocative and liberating play, “The Vagina Monologues”. Wonderfully directed by Fay Jacobs and expertly performed by Washington, DC based veteran stage performers Jane Bruns, Stacey Fearheiley and Eloise Ullman, the production truly entertained the diverse and appreciative audience during both productions. Look forward to more great productions to be directed by Fay here on our stage!

Finally, on Sunday the 16th, the RBTA rolled out the red carpet for a fascinating look into radio news journalism as nationally renowned NPR journalists Neal Conan (senior host of Talk of the Nation) and Liann Hansen (senior host of Weekend Edition) spoke on our stage for a informative look into current events and life behind the scenes at National Public Radio. Over 250 attendees were privy to the event and all had the chance to meet the famed husband and wife team at a warm reception for the two courtesy of Ovations restaurant and lounge. It was truly a special event that thrilled both the featured speakers and the guests. Many thanks to Public Radio Delmarva (WSCL 89.5 and WSDL 90.7) for their tremendous work and support with this event as well as Dogfish Brewery in Milton and South Pacific Florists in Rehoboth for their generous donations!

These great events represent just the tip of the iceberg of what is to come here at the Rehoboth Beach Theatre of the Arts, so please stay in touch!

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